nursery - preschool
Early Childhood consists of nursery and preschool ages. The early childhood ministry is a wonderful place to be a kid. Each room has a beautiful theme that is a tribute to God’s creation.
nursery ministry
Our nursery program serves children from birth to 24 months of age. We are dedicated to providing a safe, baby-friendly environment where your child can learn about God. Our nursery is staffed with trained and loving adults who love to serve God through children and love sharing Jesus. We use an interactive teaching approach that includes songs, pictures, and play. Our hope is that you will participate in adult worship in complete confidence that your child is being well taken care of in our nursery.

preschool ministry
Our preschool ministry program serves children from twenty-four months to kindergarten. We staff our preschool department with an energetic group of adults who have a heart for children. Our program provides a safe place where your child can learn about Jesus through songs, stories, games, and hands-on projects. We want to provide a place of comfort and familiarity that allows your child to have an awesome learning experience while you participate in adult worship. It's a place where children are excited to come each week to learn more about Jesus and how important they are to Him. And they will get to play in the best playland around!